
We have a fantastic team of volunteers at Open House and it is really important to us that they are trained to give the best advice to anyone coming in to seek help. That is why we have regular in-house training days and use external organisations, such as Shelter, for training all of our advisors.

Benefits Advice

Our advisors can help you find out which benefits you may be entitled to, and assist you to apply. We understand that not everyone has access to a computer or smartphone, or is familiar with applying online, and that is why we will spend as much time as needed to work through applications with you.

We can give advice on how to appeal a decision, support you if more information is needed, and give general support for all benefit related enquiries.

We would love to see you and chat through any questions you may have, about benefits that you are already claiming or benefits you think you may be entitled to.


Diana - Benefits Advisor

David - Benefits Advisor

Angie - Housing Advisor

John - Housing Advisor

Housing Advice 

Our advisors can help you to apply to join the Dorset Council Housing register.

The application process can be complex and sometimes overwhelming, and our advisors will take as much time as needed to walk through the process with you, submit the online form and guide you through what documents you will need to provide.

They can also give advice on homelessness and housing related issues, such as disrepair, antisocial behaviour and overcrowding.

Adequate social housing, especially in rural areas, is sadly in short supply but if we can help anyone progress through the system to find the home that they need, we will most certainly try. Please pop in and talk to our team of volunteers if you need help or advice in this area.

Emergency Aid

Open House Shaftesbury partners with Gillingham Foodbank  and The Trussell Trust to distribute emergency food aid parcels to those who need them the most. The parcels are put together by the hard working volunteers at Gillingham Foodbank, using donations collected from local supermarkets, and contain staple items to last 3 days. We are able to have a small supply of these parcels at Open House so that we can support anyone who lives in Shaftesbury and is unable to access the Foodbank in Gillingham. 

Although there are eligibility criteria that apply, we would encourage you to pop in and chat to our team if you are struggling. If we are unable to issue a Trussell Trust parcel, we may be able to help out with one of our own Food Bags, which are put together from kind donations that we have been given. 

We would love to hear from you if you have any surplus tins, packets and bags of unopened food, which have fairly long best before dates. These are always gratefully received so that we can make up more bags of food. In addition to food aid we can also offer essential toiletries & household cleaning packs to anyone in need, and who fulfills our eligibility criteria.


Bev - Emergency Aid Team Member

Emma - Emergency Aid Team Member

Chris - Store House Supervisor

Tim - Store House Team Member

Store House

The aim of our Store House project is to collect good quality second hand furniture, and pass it on to those who need it the most. As with all of our services this is completely free, the only criteria is that the recipients of the furniture are on some type of benefit and live within Shaftesbury, Gillingham and their surrounding villages.

We have 2 containers for storage, and currently have a whole range of items - sofas, beds, tables & chairs, white goods, as well as crockery, cutlery and pots & pans. These have all been donated by local residents and collected by our team of volunteers. Collection is limited to Shaftesbury, Gillingham and their surrounding villages.

This particular service does take a lot of organisation and manpower but is very worthwhile, especially when we are able to provide essential furniture and appliances to a family who has very little - or sometimes nothing.

If you are in need of furniture or household items please pop in and talk to our team - we may just have what you are looking for!

If you are interested in donating any furniture please email a photo to or pop in and speak to a member of the team.

Please be aware that we only accept furniture that is in a good, clean, usable condition, with fire safety labels still attached (where appropriate) and no heavy staining, rips or dents. We believe that for someone who is in need, the blessing of being given something that is in good condition, will last and looks nice, is such a boost, in an otherwise difficult situation.

Support Service

This service covers a whole range of different things that clients may need assistance with. Here are a few examples of the ways our volunteers can help;

  • Developing a CV

  • Writing a letter

  • Applying for a small grant

  • Putting together a budget

  • Completing application forms (not related to benefits or housing)

  • Referrals to other organisations

If there is something you are struggling with, and it doesn’t fall within any of our other services, perhaps our Support Service can help.