Open Fridge Shaftesbury 

Open Fridge Shaftesbury is a community fridge project which has been set up, and is managed by Open House Shaftesbury. It was launched in May 2021 and works in the same way as many other community fridges around the country. 

We have a large team of volunteers, some of whom are on duty while the fridge is open, and others who collect donations. Our hard working team currently collects weekly from Tesco, Waitrose, Morrisons, Lidl and Co op (Gillingham). We also receive generous donations from Virginia Hayward, usually once a month. We’re always on the lookout for new sources of donations, to further increase our impact on food wastage!

In the first year of this project Open Fridge has collected 8500kg of surplus food from local supermarkets, businesses and private donors and has received almost 3000 visitors!

What is a community fridge?

A community fridge is a social space that brings people together, with the aim of reducing food waste, by collecting surplus produce from local supermarkets and other businesses, and making that food accessible to anyone and everyone who can use it. 

We partner with the Hubbub Foundation and you can find lots more information about how community fridges work, and the network of community fridges across the UK, on their website Community Fridges | Hubbub Foundation 

Where is Open Fridge?

Our Open Fridge container is situated in the car park of Fathers House church in Christys Lane, Shaftesbury.


When are we open?

Open Fridge is open

  • Monday 10 - 11:30am & 2 - 3:30pm

  • Wednesday 10 - 11:30am

  • Friday 10 - 11:30am & 2 - 3:30pm

How do I use Open Fridge?

Everyone is welcome to visit Open Fridge during the days & times above, there are no eligibility criteria, and no charge. There will always be a volunteer on hand to show you what to do, but here are a few simple guidelines that we ask all visitors to bear in mind;

  • Limit what you take to 1 carrier bag per person

  • Bring your own bag - No larger than 18x18 (‘Bag for Life’ size)

  • Only take what you need or can use within the next few days

  • Leave plenty for others

  • Make a note of what you’ve taken in the book provided (we will never ask for any personal details)

We look forward to seeing you! 

Can I donate food to Open Fridge?

We encourage donations from anyone in the community who has produce to share, and you can do this by visiting Open Fridge on the days and times above.

There are some rules on what we can and cannot accept (for health and safety reasons) so please check the lists to the right before you visit.